Sunday, March 8, 2009


Hello there everyone,

Last week I had my birthday which in itself was not a pleasant experience (27 seems old, no offense to anyone older than that) but my friends here were really great. Over lunch we enjoyed a cake (thank you Adrianna for that) which I then shared with the rest of the staff. Yesterday night I had my actual party which was nice and relaxing. Only myself, and three close friends at my apartment. First we all went for some noodles at my favourite corner stall.

From Left to Right: Tanya, Julian, and Gaew

It actually became a scary night after dinner though as we were talking about scaring stories we had all experienced and then out of nowhere my phone rings with no one on the other end. This is no joke. Although it was probably a neighbour either above or below me it got everyone even more scared to the point where I didn’t want to go to sleep. Tanya was nice enough to stay over and watch movies with me to get my mind (well both of ours) off of scary stuff. Thank you Tanya for that.

Today, Sunday, I worked a little on the MDG Campaign which now unofficially has the title of i’MDG. Really catchy. I also worked on coming up with ideas to “package” a CD Learning Week which will be held in the end of April. This however is proving a little difficult as the week is actually comprised of three very distinct events where people who go to one event may, and probably is not permitted, to attend the others. Lastly I review the Global CD-LSD (new name for PPPSD) Community of Practice (CoP) for ideas to revitalize the Asia-Pacific CD-LSD CoP.

Now I sit at home getting back into the habit of writing on this blog something I am sorry to have neglected for the past little while. Tonight I will send my friend Britton an e-mail trying to organize things for when he arrives on Friday. And then there is always looking for a job.

From Left to Right: Lilliam, Julian, Tanya, Johannes, Beatriz, Adrianna

Thanks again everyone,


Monday, March 2, 2009

Not too much happening

The past two weeks have been exciting.

During the week it is as busy as ever so nothing really new there. Two weekends ago however there were two really fun pool parties. One was for a birthday party on Friday night while the other was a going away party on Saturday. Speaking of going away parties I went to three in the span of one week and there will only be more to come.

Last weekend of particular interest was an art auction for Refugees which was put on by a church group that a friend of mine belongs to. That was an interesting time.

Sorry for such a short post and lack of pictures but I’m very short on time these days.