Monday, September 8, 2008

The dream begins...

So it is now official. I will be starting a 6 month placement with the UNDP in Bangkok working with the office for Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (PPPUE). This is really a dream come true for myself. I have always wanted to work for the UN and to be able to volunteer for them is a big step in the right direction. I have my fingers crossed and my hopes set up in the heavens. They say that if you aim for the heavens you'll at least end up in the stars. So true.

I like to live my life dreaming and this blog will be a reflection of what I am going through not only professionally but also personally when I feel the need to share some of my thoughts about life in general. Coming from a very strong philosophical background I'm sure that a good percentages of my posts, perhaps half, may end up being my own observations about life, society, and humanity in general. In all instances I will ensure that they are positive and are in no way attacks on anyone or anything. They should never be seen as a reflection of the UN or CANADEM's views...merely my own meandering thoughts.

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