Thursday, November 20, 2008

Loy Krathong, Nightlife, and pictures of the office

Last week I went to a festival called Loy Krathong with a big group from various UN agencies. The festival involves sending little floating arrangements of flowers out onto the water. It was very nice and I took part. Unfortunatly I did not take my camera with me, although the quality of the night time photos is pretty poor but I may get some copies off friends who had theirs with them. Although the festival was very nice the highlight for me was eating a very large grasshopper from one of the vendors. I have eating bugs in the past but ones which were quite small. This however was about the size of my index finger. Tasty!

On Friday I enjoy a nice relaxing evening out with friends. That was a particularly busy week, much like this one. We began the night at an Indian restaurant Royal India and went to a bar afterwards for a few drinks. If anyone who is reading this is in the neighbourhood, I recommend Royal India. Best Indian food I have ever tasted.

Because I haven’t been taking my camera out with me, there are few photos of these nights but I will make an effort to change that from now on as pictures I think really add to these posts. In the meantime you can enjoy some photos of my office.

The pictures are in order of my walk to work through the building.

Next week my boss will be in Mongolia for a workshop which the president will make an address at, if I remember correctly. That’s exciting.

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