Sunday, December 28, 2008

Koh Samet

For the Christmas holiday I went to Koh Samet, a nearby island turned nature reserve. The beaches there were incredible the whitest, finest sand I think I’ve ever experienced.

Getting there involved about a four hour bus ride followed by a half hour boat ride. Once on the island all visitors have to pay an entrance fee. For foreigners it is 200 Baht while for nationals it is only 40 Baht. The difference sounds a little surprising it is like that for a lot of things here in Thailand. Personally I don’t mind it that much although there is something to be said about the fact that such a policy would not go over at all in many other countries.
During the night time there was a lot to do. There were fire shows (very impressive) and you could also buy a fire balloon which was very interesting.

Most of the time during the day was spent just relaxing on the beach enjoying the sun and water.

I was a little worried about jellyfish even though I wasn’t told to look out for them at this particular beach. What I was even more worried about though (again over reacting) was malaria. I bought pills for it and took them religiously, even wore bug repellent. It seems to have worked, although I won’t know for sure until two weeks after coming back when I finish the last pill. I put on so much bug spray I don’t think a mosquito came within two meters of me.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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