Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Koh Samet II

I realize it has been a long time since I last wrote a post but I have been extremely busy at work taking on various projects and working extended hours. In addition to this I have been asked to write a project proposal for an MDG campaign for the Asia-Pacific region which is, combined with my actual duties, taking up literally all of my time. What little time I do have free is spent searching for job opportunities which I have to write cover letters for and find in the first place.

Despite all of this I have done a few things outside of work which I will share with you know.
The biggest news outside of work was a trip to Koh Samet, my second time to this island nature park just three and a half hours east of Bangkok. Organized by Julien the intention was that we would have a big pink full moon party. This however turned into a very small party with myself and three others. Nevertheless, it was fun and a welcome break from work.

Sorry for this short post but I have lots to do. I’ll find sometime during this week to write a little more. Also Britton will be visiting shortly so I’m sure some of the post which will follow will have a lot more to share.

Busy in Bangkok


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