Monday, May 25, 2009

Beautiful Thailand

We’ll this weekend I finally managed to escape the concrete jungle of Bangkok and went to the real jungle with some of my friends. Just outside Bangkok there is the small town Kanchanaburi best known for the Bridge on the River Kwai.

About an hour from Kanchanaburi there is a national park, Erawan, which has incredible waterfalls which you can swim around. This was one of the top 5 moments for me in Thailand so far and will be hard to surpass. Imagine swimming near a waterfall in the midst of a tropical jungle. It was incredible. There were monkey’s playing about only short distance away on the shore and the water was full over fish. You could even go behind the waterfall into a small grotto.

On the way back the long truck ride gave me a lot of time to just let my mind wander and I found myself the most relaxed I have been in perhaps the last two years.

From Bangkok,


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