Monday, January 19, 2009


Bonjour, ca va?

The most interesting news I have to share is that my French level 1 course has started so I’m slowly learning the basics and trying to practice what I do know as much as possible. Still very early though but I hope to have a good foundation by the end of the course in April.

The work at the UNDP RCB is really starting to pick up. Beyond the jobs assigned to me on my ToR I have been tasked with putting together the Workplan for 2009 which is very near completion now. All that remains is update it once Delger comes back from holidays/sick leave and add inputs from the Capacity Development (CD) global team workplan. In addition, I am now the focal point for a CD Institutional Networking Event/Fair and the focal point for the RCB’s CD Brown Bag Lunches which is the easier of the two as once it is organized it will essentially run itself. Outside of work I have been putting together necessary documents for a MDG Campaign which I am proposing to the Deputy Director for the MDG Campaign in Asia. Working with me on this is Julian (the guy in the picture of the last post) and we think we have a good idea for them. Not sure at this point if they will be very receptive to the idea however as we have still not been given a time when we can sit down with the Director and really discuss it with him. On the positive side though Dipa Bagai, head of CD here at the RCB, is really supportive of the idea so at this point it’s a little bit of a waiting game.

This weekend I’m thinking I will finally go to the old capital. Something which I have been meaning to do since the first week I arrived. A motivating factor of my going there is to try and spice up these blogs. As more time is devoted to work and finding employment after this placement, it is becoming more difficult to find interesting things to write about. Unlike when I first arrived when everything was new and exciting, now things here seem common.

I’d like to thank my Aunt Leo and Uncle Glen for sending me a box full of all things Canadian. When I was opening it I was really excited. It was the closest feeling of Christmas I’ve had in near two years. The postcard of the Loon is now firmly attached to my office wall.

The picture for this post was taken in Cambodia on a regular digital camera but the quality is amazing so I thought I would share it.

Au revoir,


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