Friday, January 9, 2009

Busy Beaver

The holidays are over and the office is once again busy with activity. Currently I am working closely with the Capacity Development team in finalizing the Workplan for 2009. This is great for me as I am developing a clear picture of their activities and what is coming up in the new year. Work still continues on the publication and I have put together something resembling a first draft for the introduction.

Last week was particularly busy with meetings and new responsibilities and this coming week will be even busier as I have more meetings and complete several tasks for projects which I am the focal point for. Good times but busy.

It’s not all just grim work though. This is a picture of a friend of mine in the office right beside mine taken at the end of the day on Friday by an intern from Spain. I’ve kept the picture which I told him would go immediately up on the blog.


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