Friday, January 30, 2009

Great News!

Well I have two really big pieces of news. I’ll start with the biggest first. I found a place here in Bangkok called Crepes & Co. who sell.........CANADIAN PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes that’s right a little taste of heaven a million miles away. I had heard that Crepes & Co. was a good place to go for breakfast and brunch and didn’t know before heading there that they sold this most majestic meal. When I read on the menu that they had this little taste of home I nearly shouted out for joy. I’m in no way homesick and I don’t want to give off that impression but those pancakes, dripping in maple syrup sure were good. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me so I can’t share a picture but not to worry, I’ll be going again and next time with my camera.

In other news, and my second piece of news which isn’t really that big, is that I went to the Chinese New Years celebrations on Monday night with some friends and we had a great time. There was dancing, music, some fireworks and lots of incense burning at the nearest temple giving off a very good smell.

Part of the celebration included releasing small birds (maybe sparrows not sure) from a cage. Although I don’t have a picture of this I did take a video and I've learned how to post video's so expect these in future posts.

With regards to work it’s pretty much the same story since the beginning of this year. Really busy. I’ve been given a lot of additional responsibilities which I am happy to receive as I feel far more involved with what’s really going on than when I first arrived a very long four months ago.
I’ve just past the halfway point and I can’t believe that I have so much time left. It feels like I began my contract here such a long time ago with everything that I have done. Hard to imagine everything that will happen in the coming months.

What an experience.


1 comment:

Matt The Almighty said...

Glad to see you're having fun! Great video, keep 'em coming!
